Stack In Java

Stack In Java

Stack is data-structure used to store elements/objects in it. Stack works on the LIFO i.e Last In First Out which means, an element which is added in the last to the stack is fetched first when retrieved from it. Let’s understand with example.

In stack we will be adding [1,44,54,20,10] in the same sequence. Initially our stack will look something like this. When no elements in it.

Empty Stack

After Adding elements it would like something like this.

Adding Element to stack

Here we saw whenever we add 1, then 1 is stacked and after that when we add 44 in stack then, 44 is stacked on top of 1, and similarly all coming element to stack are stacked on top of one already presents.

And when we remove elements from the Stack it is removed from top of the stack. Means in our case if try to remove element from the stack then 10 is popped out first then 20 and then 54 and so on as shown below.

Removing Element from the Stack

As in Stack, Last element is the first one to get removed when we try to remove an element from the Stack. That’s why Stack is said be of having LIFO architecture.

Stack Operations

Stack has several dedicated operations. Let’s discuss one by one.

PushAdding elements in Stack is termed as Push. i.e when we add 44 to Stack then it is called as push 44 to Stack

POPWhen we remove an element from Stack then this operation is termed is pop. Let’s remove 44 from Stack
Peek operation in stack
PeekIt uses to fetch the top elements of the stack but this won’t delete the element.
Empty operation in Stack.
EmptyReturn true if no elements are present in stack or returns false

Stack In Java

Java Stack is part of Java Collection and is part of java.util package. Stack in java extends Vector Class and provides five methods that will provide required operations of a Stack.

Classes Extended By Stack

Stack extends multiple Classes


Interfaces Implemented By Stack


Constructor in Stack

stack() is only non parametrised constructor

      Stack<String> stack = new Stack<>();

Methods in Stack

Java Stack provides five methods to perform stack operation.

Add element/item to Stack

Stack class in Java provides push(T item) method to push elements in Java Stack.

E push(E items)Add items to stack and returns the added value.
public void createStringStack() {
		Stack<String> stack = new Stack<>();
		System.out.println("Adding "+stack.push("India")+" to Stack");
		System.out.println("Adding "+stack.push("America")+" to Stack");
		System.out.println("Adding "+stack.push("China")+" to Stack");
		System.out.println("Adding "+stack.push("Russia")+" to Stack");
		System.out.println("Elements in stack after adding to Stack"+ stack);


Adding Object to Stack in Java

public void createObjectStack() {
		Stack<Country> stack = new Stack<>();
		stack.push(new Country("India"));
		stack.push(new Country("America"));
		stack.push(new Country("China"));
		stack.push(new Country("Russia"));


Remove items from Stack in Java

Stack in java provides pop() methods to remove elements from Stack.

E pop()Removes an element from top of the stack and returns the removed value.
public static void createStringStack() {
		Stack<String> stack = new Stack<>();
		System.out.println("Adding "+stack.push("India")+" to Stack");
		System.out.println("Adding "+stack.push("America")+" to Stack");
		System.out.println("Adding "+stack.push("China")+" to Stack");
		System.out.println("Adding "+stack.push("Russia")+" to Stack");
		System.out.println("Elements in stack after adding to Stack"+ stack);
		System.out.println("Removing element "+ stack.pop()+" from Stack");
		System.out.println("Removing element "+ stack.pop()+" from Stack");


OutPut of Above code:

Adding India to Stack
Adding America to Stack
Adding China to Stack
Adding Russia to Stack
Elements in stack after adding to Stack[India, America, China, Russia]
Removing element Russia from Stack
Removing element China from Stack

Getting Top element from the Stack

For getting top element from stack in java, Java provides peek() method.

E peek()Returns the top element from the stack without deleting it from stack.
	public static void stackPeek() {

		Stack<String> stack = new Stack<>();
		System.out.println("Adding "+stack.push("India")+" to Stack");
		System.out.println("Adding "+stack.push("America")+" to Stack");
		System.out.println("Adding "+stack.push("China")+" to Stack");
		System.out.println("Adding "+stack.push("Russia")+" to Stack");
		System.out.println("Elements in stack after adding to Stack"+ stack);
		System.out.println("Element at peek is " + stack.peek()+ " in stack");
Adding India to Stack
Adding America to Stack
Adding China to Stack
Adding Russia to Stack
Elements in stack after adding to Stack[India, America, China, Russia]
Element at peek is Russia in stack

Check if stack is empty or not

Stack provide empty() method to check if stack is empty or not.

boolean empty()Returns true if stack is empty else false
public static void emptyStack() {

		Stack<String> stack = new Stack<>();
		System.out.println("Adding "+stack.push("India")+" to Stack");
		System.out.println("Adding "+stack.push("America")+" to Stack");
		System.out.println("Adding "+stack.push("China")+" to Stack");
		System.out.println("Adding "+stack.push("Russia")+" to Stack");
		System.out.println("Elements in stack after adding to Stack"+ stack);

		System.out.println("Is stack empty " + stack.isEmpty());


Output of the above code

Adding India to Stack
Adding America to Stack
Adding China to Stack
Adding Russia to Stack
Elements in stack after adding to Stack[India, America, China, Russia]
Is stack empty false

Search an element/ item in stack

Stack provides search(E item) to search an element in Java Stack. This method return the index of item if found.

Stack follows 1 base indexing system.

int search(E item)returns the index of item if found. else return -1.
	public static void searchStack() {

		Stack<String> stack = new Stack<>();
		System.out.println("Adding "+stack.push("India")+" to Stack");
		System.out.println("Adding "+stack.push("America")+" to Stack");
		System.out.println("Adding "+stack.push("China")+" to Stack");
		System.out.println("Adding "+stack.push("Russia")+" to Stack");
		System.out.println("Elements in stack after adding to Stack"+ stack);
		System.out.println("Element India is present at index "+"India"));
		System.out.println("Element Pakistan is present at index "+"Pakistan"));
Adding India to Stack
Adding America to Stack
Adding China to Stack
Adding Russia to Stack
Elements in stack after adding to Stack[India, America, China, Russia]
Element India is present at index 4
Element Pakistan is present at index -1

Iterating over Stack items

We can iterate over Stack in java using Iterator() which comes in from AbstractList as Stack extends AbstactList

	public static void iterateStack() {
		Stack<String> stack = new Stack<>();
		System.out.println("Adding "+stack.push("India")+" to Stack");
		System.out.println("Adding "+stack.push("America")+" to Stack");
		System.out.println("Adding "+stack.push("China")+" to Stack");
		System.out.println("Adding "+stack.push("Russia")+" to Stack");
		System.out.println("Elements in stack after adding to Stack"+ stack);
		System.out.println("Iterating of Stack in java");
		Iterator<String> itert = stack.iterator();
		while(itert.hasNext()) {
			System.out.print( " ");
Adding India to Stack
Adding America to Stack
Adding China to Stack
Adding Russia to Stack
Elements in stack after adding to Stack[India, America, China, Russia]
Iterating of Stack in java
India America China Russia

Size of Stack in Java

As Stack extends AbstractList class in java we can use size() of the list to get size of Vector.

public static void stackSize() {

		Stack<String> stack = new Stack<>();
		System.out.println("Adding "+stack.push("India")+" to Stack");
		System.out.println("Adding "+stack.push("America")+" to Stack");
		System.out.println("Adding "+stack.push("China")+" to Stack");
		System.out.println("Adding "+stack.push("Russia")+" to Stack");
		System.out.println("Elements in stack after adding to Stack"+ stack);

		System.out.print("Stack size is "+stack.size());

Adding India to Stack
Adding America to Stack
Adding China to Stack
Adding Russia to Stack
Elements in stack after adding to Stack[India, America, China, Russia]
Stack size is 4


Stack is a data-structure work on LIFO architecture i.e first in last out. Stack in java extends classes like Collection, Vector, AbstractList and implements interfaces like Serializable,  Cloneable,  Iterable<E>,  Collection<E>,  List<E>,  RandomAccess.

Java Stack has five operations that are push, pop, peek, empty and search.

Thank’s Note

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References : Oracle Docs

Durgesh Kumar

He is the Founder of And have 4+ years of experience as full-stack Java developer. He worked with many reputed product companies and would like to share his experience and knowledge through this blog. He works very hard to provide you with quality content. But as no one is perfect, If you feel that some improvement can be made then feel free to add it in the comment section. We look forward to it.

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