Before starting with this post if you are not aware of Queue concept then please visit and check our post on Queue. Now if you are continuing this post then you are already aware of Queue concept. Now let’s get rolling.
means Doubly ended queue
. As we know for Queue
, insertion will be done from one end(Rear) and deletion or retrieval from one end(Front) in contrast to this Deque
comes with added advantage i.e As the name Deque or Doubly Ended Queue
clearly suggest that Deque is both ended queue that means insertion and deletion can be done from both end(Front and Rear
). If you are not getting this then don’t worry we will explain to you from example.
Before getting to example we will learn about basic Deque operations.
addFirst(e) | Inserts Element at Front of the Dequeue |
addLast(e) | Inserts Element at Rear of the Dequeue |
getFirst() | Gets element from Front of the Dequeue |
getLast() | Gets the element at Rear of the Dqueue |
removeFirst() | Removes an element from Front of the Dequeue |
removeLast() | Removes the element from Front of the Dequeue |
Below diagram will explain how Dque Works

Table of Contents
Deque in Java Or ArrayDeque In Java

As shown in the above image it’s clear that Deque
is an interface that extends Collection
, Iterable
and Queue
. And ArrayDeque, ConcurrentLinkedDeque, LinkedBlockingDeque
are the Implementations for Deque
Deque is a linear collection that allows Insertion, Deletion and Retrieval operation from both end of the Deque. Each of these operations are provided in two flavours by Deque one Which throws exception and other Which Does not throw Exception instead returns special value like null
or false/true
depending on the nature of the operation.
Here we have categorised the Operation which throw Exception and which does not throw exception.
Operations that Operate on First Element i.e Head
Operation | Throws Exception | Does Not Throws Exception But return Special Value |
insert | addFirst(e) | offerFirst(e) |
Remove | removeFirst() | pollFirst() |
Retrieve | getFirst() | peekFirst() |
Operations that Operate on Last Element i.e Rear/Tail
Operation | Throws Exception | Does Not Throws Exception But return Special Value |
insert | addLast(e) | offerLast(e) |
Remove | removeLast() | pollLast() |
Retrieve | getLast() | peekLast() |
is a class which provides implementation for Deque
. It is resizable implementation of Deque which means that there is no restriction on size of ArrayDeque. ArrayDeque can increase its size as ArrayDeque grows.
This class provides fail-fast iterator that means that whenever the queue is modified when Deque is created then it throws ConcurrentModificationException
Unless it is modified through iterator.remove()
As ArrayDeque
provides an implementation for all Deque
interface so we will discuss methods provided in ArrayDeque
Methods in ArrayDeque
We will group methods as per opertations like insert, remove, get, iterate and etc.
Creating ArrayDeque
ArrayDeque can be created using following constructors.
ArrayDeque() | Creates a queue with initial size of 16 |
ArrayDeque(Collection<? extends E> c) | Constructs a dequeue with give collection |
ArrayDeque(int numElements) | Constructs a deque with capacity that will be sufficient to hold numElements |
private static void createDeQue() { System.out.println("Creating DeQueue with default inital capacity of 16"); Deque<String> deque = new ArrayDeque<String>(); List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add("India"); list.add("US"); System.out.println("Creating DeQueue with provided collection"); Deque<String> dequeFromCollection = new ArrayDeque<String>(list); System.out.println("Creating DeQueue with initail Capacity"); Deque<String> dequeWithElementsSize = new ArrayDeque<String>(10); }
Adding Elements to ArrayDeque
Elements can be added to ArrayDeque
using below methods
boolean add(E e) | Add an element to rear/tail of the Deque and return true if insertion is a success. |
void addFirst(E e) | Add an element to the head of the Deque. And throws an exception when operation fails |
void addLast(E e) | Add an element to the rear/tail of the Deque. And throws an exception when operation fails |
boolean offerFirst(E e) | Add an element to the head of the Deqeue and returns true in case of a success |
boolean offerLast(E e) | Add an element to the rear/tail of the Deque and returns true in case of a success |
boolean offer(E e) | Adds an element at the end i.e at tail of the Deque |
Code illustrating above operations
private static void insertElementsToDeque() { List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add("Canada"); list.add("Nepal"); System.out.println("Creating DeQueue with provided collection"); Deque<String> deque = new ArrayDeque<String>(list); System.out.println("Deque initialy: "+ deque); System.out.println("Adding India to Queue's tails/rear using add()"); deque.add("India"); System.out.println("Deque after adding India"+ deque); System.out.println("Adding US to Queue's head using addFirst()"); deque.addFirst("US"); System.out.println("Deque after adding US"+ deque); System.out.println("Adding Africa to Queue's head using offerFirst()"); deque.offerFirst("Africa"); System.out.println("Deque after adding Africa"+ deque); System.out.println("Adding Japan to Queue's rear/tail using addLast()"); deque.addLast("Japan"); System.out.println("Deque after adding Japan"+ deque); System.out.println("Adding Bhutan to Queue's rear/tail using offerLast()"); deque.offerLast("Bhutan"); System.out.println("Deque after adding Bhutan"+ deque); System.out.println("Adding Canada to Queue's rear/tail using offer()"); deque.offer("Canada"); System.out.println("Deque after adding Canada"+ deque); }
Output for above code
Creating DeQueue with provided collection Deque initialy: [Canada, Nepal] Adding India to Queue's tails/rear using add() Deque after adding India[Canada, Nepal, India] Adding US to Queue's head using addFirst() Deque after adding US[US, Canada, Nepal, India] Adding Africa to Queue's head using offerFirst() Deque after adding Africa[Africa, US, Canada, Nepal, India] Adding Japan to Queue's rear/tail using addLast() Deque after adding Japan[Africa, US, Canada, Nepal, India, Japan] Adding Bhutan to Queue's rear/tail using offerLast() Deque after adding Bhutan[Africa, US, Canada, Nepal, India, Japan, Bhutan]
Removing the Element From the Deque or ArrayDeque
provides several methods to remove elements form the deque
E poll() | Removes the first element from the head of the Deque and returns null if deque is empty |
E pollFirst() | Removes the first element from the head of the Deque and returns null if deque is empty |
E pollLast() | Removes the last element from Deque and returns null if deque is empty |
E remove() | Removes the first element from the head of the Deque. and throws Exception if deque is empty |
boolean Remove(Object o) | Remove the first finding of object in deque and returns true else returns false |
boolean removeFirst() | Removes the first element from the Deque and throws Exception if deque is empty |
boolean removeLast() | Removes an element from the Deque and throws Exception if deque is empty |
void clear() | Removes all Element from deque. |
Code illustrating above operations
private static void removeElementsFromDeque() { Deque<String> deque = new ArrayDeque<String>(); deque.addFirst("India"); deque.addFirst("America"); deque.addFirst("Canada"); deque.addFirst("Japan"); deque.addFirst("China"); deque.addFirst("Russia"); deque.addFirst("Bhutan"); deque.addFirst("Nepal"); deque.addFirst("Pakistan"); System.out.println("Deque initialy: "+ deque); System.out.println("Removing element from deque using poll() and it returns:"+ deque.poll()); System.out.println("Deque after removing "+ deque); System.out.println("Removing element from deque using pollFirst() and it returns:"+ deque.pollFirst()); System.out.println("Deque after removing "+ deque); System.out.println("Removing element from deque using pollLast() and it returns:"+ deque.pollLast()); System.out.println("Deque after removing "+ deque); System.out.println("Removing element from deque using remove() and it returns:"+ deque.remove()); System.out.println("Deque after removing "+ deque); System.out.println("Removing element from deque using removeFirst() and it returns:"+ deque.removeFirst()); System.out.println("Deque after removing "+ deque); System.out.println("Removing element from deque using removeLast() and it returns:"+ deque.removeLast()); System.out.println("Deque after removing "+ deque); System.out.println("Removing element from deque using remove(Object) and it returns:"+ deque.remove("China")); System.out.println("Deque after removing "+ deque); System.out.println("Removing all elements from deque using clear() and it returns: void"); deque.clear(); System.out.println("Deque after removing "+ deque); }
Output of above code is
Deque initialy: [Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Russia, China, Japan, Canada, America, India] Removing element from deque using poll() and it returns:Pakistan Deque after removing [Nepal, Bhutan, Russia, China, Japan, Canada, America, India] Removing element from deque using pollFirst() and it returns:Nepal Deque after removing [Bhutan, Russia, China, Japan, Canada, America, India] Removing element from deque using pollLast() and it returns:India Deque after removing [Bhutan, Russia, China, Japan, Canada, America] Removing element from deque using remove() and it returns:Bhutan Deque after removing [Russia, China, Japan, Canada, America] Removing element from deque using removeFirst() and it returns:Russia Deque after removing [China, Japan, Canada, America] Removing element from deque using removeLast() and it returns:America Deque after removing [China, Japan, Canada] Removing element from deque using remove(Object) and it returns:true Deque after removing [Japan, Canada] Removing all elements from deque using clear() and it returns: void Deque after removing []
Retrieving Elements from Deque or ArrayDeque
Deque provides us with below method to retrieve element from deque
E getFirst() | Retrieves first element from the queue and throws exception when queue is empty. It does not remove element from deque |
E getLast() | Retrieves last element from the queue and throws exception when queue is empty. It does not remove element from deque |
E peek() | Retrieves first element from head of the queue and return null when the queue is empty. It does not remove element from deque |
E peekFirst() | Retrieves first element from the queue and return null when queue is empty. It does not remove element from deque |
E peekLast() | Retrieves last element from the queue and return null when queue is empty. It does not remove element from deque |
Code illustration for above operations
private static void retrieveElemntfromDeQue() { Deque<String> deque = new ArrayDeque<String>(); deque.addFirst("India"); deque.addFirst("America"); deque.addFirst("Canada"); System.out.println("Deque initialy: "+ deque); System.out.println("Retrieve element from deque using getFirst() and it returns: "+ deque.getFirst()); System.out.println("Retrieve element from deque using getLast() and it returns: "+ deque.getLast()); System.out.println("Retrieve element from deque using peek() and it returns: "+ deque.peek()); System.out.println("Retrieve element from deque using peekFirst() and it returns: "+ deque.peekFirst()); System.out.println("Retrieve element from deque using peekLast() and it returns: "+ deque.peekLast()); }
Output for above code is
Deque initialy: [Canada, America, India] Retrieve element from deque using getFirst() and it returns: Canada Retrieve element from deque using getLast() and it returns: India Retrieve element from deque using peek() and it returns: Canada Retrieve element from deque using peekFirst() and it returns: Canada Retrieve element from deque using peekLast() and it returns: India
Iterating Through Deque or ArrayDeque
ArrayDeque provides Iterator to traverse through Deque. Lets check those method.
Iterator<E> iterator() | Provides Iterator to iterate through deque |
Spliterator<E> spliterator() | Creates a late-binding and fail-fast Spliterator over the elements in this deque. |
Code for above operation
private static void iteratingOverDeque() { Deque<String> deque = new ArrayDeque<String>(); deque.addFirst("India"); deque.addFirst("America"); deque.addFirst("Canada"); deque.addFirst("Japan"); deque.addFirst("China"); deque.addFirst("Russia"); deque.addFirst("Bhutan"); System.out.println("Deque initialy: "+ deque); Iterator<String> iterator = deque.iterator(); System.out.println("Iterating elements using iterator:"); while(iterator.hasNext()) { System.out.print(" "; } System.out.println(); System.out.println("Iterating elements using splitIterator:"); Spliterator<String> splitIterator = deque.spliterator(); splitIterator.forEachRemaining(s-> System.out.print(" " +s)); }
Output of above code is
Deque initialy: [Bhutan, Russia, China, Japan, Canada, America, India] Iterating elements using iterator: Bhutan Russia China Japan Canada America India Iterating elements using splitIterator: Bhutan Russia China Japan Canada America India
Converting Deque or ArrayDeque to Array
Code for converting Deque
to Array
private static void convertingDequeToArray() { Deque<String> deque = new ArrayDeque<String>(); deque.addFirst("India"); deque.addFirst("America"); deque.addFirst("Canada"); deque.addFirst("Japan"); deque.addFirst("China"); deque.addFirst("Russia"); deque.addFirst("Bhutan"); System.out.println("Deque initialy: "+ deque); System.out.println("Deque to Array: "); Stream.of(deque.toArray()).forEach(s -> System.out.print(" "+s)); }
Output for above code
Deque initialy: [Bhutan, Russia, China, Japan, Canada, America, India] Deque to Array: Bhutan Russia China Japan Canada America India
Here we learned how Deque
which is also called as Doubly Ended Queue works. i.e is in Deque
insertion, retrieval and removal can be done from both end( rear or head) of the queue most common operation of the deque
are as below.
Operations that Operate on First Element i.e Head
Operation | Throws Exception | Does Not Throws Exception But return Special Value |
insert | addFirst(e) | offerFirst(e) |
Remove | removeFirst() | pollFirst() |
Retrieve | getFirst() | peekFirst() |
Operations that Operate on Last Element i.e Rear/Tail
Operation | Throws Exception | Does Not Throws Exception But return Special Value |
insert | addLast(e) | offerLast(e) |
Remove | removeLast() | pollLast() |
Retrieve | getLast() | peekLast() |
Also, this post we learned about Deque
and ArrayDeque
class. ArrayDeque
class of java provide and implementation of Deque
interface and provdies and Iterator
and SplitIterator
to iterate over element.
Thank’s Note
Thanks for spending your valuable time reading this post. Hope this post taught you something new today. Please share the post if you like it.
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